stop using names from other cultures you are not apart of. it's simple. this carrd is made by a person of color.
- while you may be thinking, what? it's just a name, isn't it? no, it's not. most of the time, these names are used for an 'aesthetic purpose' or the name of a character you are interested in. however, that's not okay. as a mixed person, i find it disgusting when i see someone not of japanese descent using a japanese name all because their favorite character has the same one. you do not understand what racial issues we've gone through for having these names in the past. "i'm just trying to appreciate your culture or/and the character!" it isn't your place to deem whether it's appreciation or not. and what you are doing, is FETISHIZATION by far.
"it's just an online name though." it still matters. it doesn't matter whether it's online or irl, you're STILL using the name. this is most common in asian names, where people take an asian character from a piece of media and go: "welp, my name now." or find a word, any word in the culture, and feel like it's 'aesthetic' and 'pretty', when in reality? it could mean something else entirely.
onto the main issue: discrimination. in the past, these cultural names have been looked down on. this still happens in 2022. a reason why we are often pressured into giving ourselves a western name such as 'james' or 'judith', names with no cultural significance whatsoever. you cannot take a name with hundreds of years of racial history and discrimination just because "it's cute and aesthetic." you consuming a media with a culture does not mean you're now 'apart of that culture', meaning yes, it is offensive to use those names without being apart of the cultural background.
NEWS FLASH: you can appreciate a culture than stealing a name from it. you're allowed to like those things. but you can't just go waltzing around acting like you relate to it with your 'funky and cute aesthetic' name. many people will just look at the 肛門 and be like: omg! this is cute! time to google translate it and use it as my own name even though idk what it means :p.
a common question: can systems or irls use these names? no, they may not. "alters are their own people" there is a body though. if they're in a body that can reclaim the name, it's fine. but let's say, their body is white; they use a japanese name, is that fine? no. they may have a nickname, say, "monomi" turns into "mono". that is totally fine. for irls, they should have something called 'common sense'. while they were that ethnicity in memory, clearly they aren't now. they would definitely know that and shouldn't even think of using that name. and this is coming from both a system and an irl.
you can help by stop using the cultural name and spread this carrd around social medias: discord servers, instagram bio links, twitter posts, whatever you can. this is a serious matter. thank you for taking the time to read.